

kiara - part two

Sitting on the desk listening to this boring lecture i wonderwhy did i ever sign up for this boring subject when this subject i have always hated the most then i turn to my left and can see the actual reason for me to join this so boring subject. The one amd only reason is kiara the love of my life. She is the only girl that i have always wanted to be in my life. I have adored her since the time i first laid my eyes on the little angel with two ponytails so scared to enter the class and who use to cry on every petty thing.
I have loved her since the day i dint even know what actually love is. I wish i get to spend my entire life with her. Everyone in this room is aware of what i feel for kiara except for kiara herself. I amso scared to tell her what if i loose her. Sill i be able to make her my girlfriend.