

It was Shekhar's bad day whenever a new employee joined the office. They never knew the correct thing to do and always seemed to giggle endlessly on seeing him. At 28, Shekhar knew he was handsome, with a body and a face that any girl would die for. In his life Shekhar found his assets to be particularly useful in swaying women and he often used that skill to motivate disagreeable businessmen with charming wives. He gave a certain effort in keeping up his looks, and he did everything from hitting the gym every morning to a spa once a week, that his body demanded. He had always won what he wanted and therefore did not really feel the need to be giggled at by young girls. Seeing his popularity many of his friends had suggested that he go out with any of his female employees, his manager had even urged him to select a wife out of them. But the truth is Shekhar didnt care for it. He knew the girls would say yes at the first opportunity and that any of them would swoon at the thought of becoming his wife. But therein lied the difficulty. Shekhar could go out, have fun and then forget all about it. But trusting people was not his genre. Deep inside he knew he had no friends, only enemies and admirers, who would not think twice before backstabbing him. His family was all the proof he needed.
Somewhere in his heart, his soul waited for a soulmate who would make him fall in love, who would match his dares and teach him the zest for life.
But presently, Shekhar found his patience sorely tested by the callousness of yet another newbie. He knotted his brows as he looked over the file his manager had handed him. " The font is all wrong." he commented as he read, "and there are spelling mistakes." he looked up at Mr. Joshi, his manager, seeking an explanation.
Mr. Joshi cleared his throat. Speaking slowly, like he was thinking his words over, he said," Er- Ms. Nikki only joined this Monday. She doesn't know the ropes yet. She must get some time to-" he stopped as Shekhar slammed the file down. "How many times have I told you I don't want to hear this?" he said in a commanding tone, " Its the work I care about. Could you not arrange it that she knew what she was doing before she did it?" he said his voice straining with suppressed anger. He knew Mr. Joshi was a soft heartwd man. Probably that was right, too. Newcomers felt more welcome under his fathey guidance. But today Shekhar felt increasingly short tempered. It may have had something to do with the impending dinner with his family later that evening. Without a word, he took the file and strode off out of the room. He found the newbie absentmindedly striking keys on the computer. Mentally he commented irritably yet again about the useful futility of hiring new employees who were always homesick. He glanced over the name on the file as he approached the table.
" Did you do this?" he asked her without ado.
The girl looked up as if he had broken her reverie. He was conscious of large warm brown eyes looking at him warily and some stammering which he cut off saying, " Ms. Nikki if you continue like this I'm sorry to say you will not be long in my company." Dropping the file on her table with the curt order to deliver it correctly he left her. But her eyes. Her warm brown eyes. He knew her eyes followed him.
When he had reached his cabin, he looked over to her chair and saw Chandni head over to her. He could not hear what she said to her, but noted her eyes became more wary as she left.
surprisingly, Shekhar found his irritability decreasing a little. It was those eyes that stayed with him when he left office that day. He had overheard Neha offering to work for her. He smiled as he shook his head remembering how the girls conspirationally whispered about what he would do if he found out. "As if I care" Shekhar mused, "it was the work that mattered."
To be continued...
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