

positive Aspect of lock down

1) God has taken control of our finances in lockdown, he has became our financial CA, he is teaching all of us ,especially who r spend theft, how to control our expenditure, especially when earning is null, saving shld b more, expenses shld b less,
Its universal lockdown ,somewhere god does not wants us to spend on urself, and spend on poor and needy people ,dats what is happening, all gud news from all source r trying to provide food to poor, all NGOs, all religious organisation,all enterpreneur cme together nd started helping to poor

2) Dis is 21st century where all spiritual teacher in all religion, trying to teach how to give up ur desires and (mooh )and instead of running after money, (Maya) and materlistic things which r temporary, one need to find out d inner peace and soul satisfaction with patience, which is permanent
Inner happeness is very imp and permanent

Whole world is on survival ,basic needs and god turned on d button of survival mode and taught is d big lesson health is actual wealth

Stay home and stay safe
🇳🇪 jai hind

© Geetika Gupta