

The Old Man part2
"My name is Peter Hawkins. I was a retired police officer. My son, Ronald worked in a television company. He lived with his family in the city, while I lived in the town.
One day my grandson called me and asked me to come to their house as it was his birthday. My son told me that he will pick me from the station. I agreed.
Next day, I boarded the train and arrived here. My son hadn't arrived yet so I decided to wait for him . I was standing on the platform.It was a rush hour. There was a huge crowd. I was pushed to and fro between people. Suddenly someone pushed me too hard and I fell on the tracks. My head hit and I was dead on the spot. My son arrived at that moment. When he saw my body, he began crying uncontrollably." The man sighed.
My eyes were full of tears. Tears began to fall down my cheeks.
After a pause , the man said,"That fool still blames himself for this incident. Tell me how can I rest in peace like that?"
"Maybe.....I can help you with that."I said in a shaky voice.The man looked at me with pleading eyes and plead,"Please,help me." And with he disappeared into thin air.
After this,I began searching for information about the case.Luckily I found Ronald's contact number. I called him and arranged a meeting.I met him and his family on the decided day.
I told them the whole story.Upon hearing everything,Ronald was crying miserably.
Finally,he stopped crying and thanked me with a bitter smile.

I never saw that old man on the platform again.

© Vivian