

Subject Of Ridicule (True life story
when i die,bury me in the most expensive cemetery
Always celebrate my remembrance yearly
Make sure you won't quarrel with one another after my death..
Those are the words of Linda on her sick bed.
Linda was a 25years vibrant lady whom was not just pretty but very hardworking, she suddenly develop back pains but never count it as something dangerous.
Linda was born into a family where her dad never loved her, so she always like to do things on her own. This back pains became severe and gradually it started affecting her legs and soon she became so weak.Linda was still struggling with her lives, she doesn't want her dad to know about the sickness so as not to be a subject of ridicule.
But things get out of hand when Linda was trying to force herself to the toilet one night, she fell down and could not stand up on her home, her mum and sister quickly run to her aid and sadly, her dad also came out and started smiling.
Linda was taken to the hospital and she was diagnosed to have ipsilateral Nerva root, several drugs was given to her but yet no improvement.
Linda became a subject of ridicule and she knows sooner she is going to die so she decided to make those wishes before she dies.