

Broken yet Brave - The Lost girl
This is story of a girl Anbu, the only child of Anitha and Pramod.

Before I go further let me tell you about Anbu parents

Anitha got married to Pramod at age 13 while Pramod was 24. Pramod was a spoiled brat who despite of having a beautiful wife was behind other women. Anitha had lost 3 kids already , she was afraid. People started calling her infertile and what not. On the other hand Pramod didn't care and during this time around he lost all his wealth. He asked Anitha for her gold and without a thought she gave everything except her black beads.

With time , after 11 years Anitha conceived and ANBU came into this world.
The only thread that could keep Anitha and Pramod together now has come into this world.

Anitha's prayer were answered and Pramod was so happy that his mother was re-born. He ran into the child care with the nurse because during that time child trafficking was higher. Pramod and Anitha named her Anbu - everyone was suprised. They said the name is different some said it is ugly but Anitha said Anbu means love and she is love of my life...

Some whispered this girl has brought bad luck, Pramod lost his property ...some said she is a disaster but Pramod's father announced she is the light of the family.

Anbu was loved by one and all. She was chubby and cute. She was sweetheart to her grandpa and was envied by her cousin and aunties since Pramod's father love could easily be seen. Despite of financial crunches, they were raising her.

On other side, distance was growing between Anitha and Pramod. Everyday a new fight. Anitha was tired and felt Anbu will be effected so she left Anbu at her mother's place. Anitha's sister Sunitha and husband Ramesh had a daughter Anika who was year elder to Anbu.

Anitha loved their daughter and believed the reason Anbu is born is because of Anika. Sunitha and Ramesh took Anbu as their daughter and started taking care of her
Anitha's father however didn't like Anitha and ANBU. He always was cruel towards Anbu and spoke to her rudely but the little one did not consider since she knew only to love people. Anitha , one day tired of Pramod left him and came to her home.
Anbu didn't understand but smelled something was fishy. Soon Anitha and Sunitha decided to pursue their career as beauticians.

While they were off home Anika and ANBU were left to their aunts. Anbu was treated differently , she was not given food , hated and what not

Anbu never understood but she was light hearted. Anbu maternal grandmother however took great care of her and with time family came to know a bad news.

Anbu maternal grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and within few days she passed away. Now Anitha's father didn't want Anbu and her to stay meanwhile Pramod realised his mistake. He came and took both of them to his home.

During all of this no one realised little Anbu was heart broken since she lost her 1st loved person. But with time Anbu slowly started healing because her Of Pramod's father who loved Anbu dearly.

One day Anbu told what she faced at Anitha's home. Pramod's father said " Anbu Nana ( Dear)...not everyone will like you...
These words were ringing in Anbu's mind.