

My Sexual Dominant
I never thought it would happen, but it did. The one that made me submit sexually. He makes all my desires and fantasies come true in the confines of my room. It makes me want to push myself to my sexual limits. He makes me want to experiment with what my sexual limitations are. He's the one that excites every fiber of my body.
He's the one who makes me wait and wanting more.
He's like a drug that you can't get enough of wanting more and more of. The one that caaptured my heart, body, mind, and soul. He's intense and makes my dominant side always submit. I don't want anyone or anything else. He's all I desire in my life now. He leaves me knowing I want more, but he still leaves. Now, when he's not around, I have closed my eyes, replay the last sexual experience we had, and it was so intense that I still have orgasms without him being present. Damn I've never been with anyone who's done that before. It's kind of intimidating to know a man has that kind of power over me. He's made me fall in love with him. I've never felt that kind of raw sexual power before. I'm completely his, and he knows it. The force he uses to bend my will to his sexual desire has never happened to me before and will never happen again because my everything belongs to him and no one else. I'm completely loyal to him, and he knows it. Unfortunately, I must be completely loyal because I don't want to ever lose him. I want him for eternity.
© JenWikket