

It have no limits.Its a bond that is more stronger than anything.It has freedom.It have an open door of heart.It love actually .But more pure like water.It will flow forever.It wont stop.Each of us are ready to open ourselves if we get to know more.We wont close that door because we have already created beautiful moments of life.Friendship that already made our mind which wont make us forget everything.Because each memory will be more valuable that may not get in future.

One day our children ask us by looking at our pics ''who are these people?''
We will have teary eyes ..and say those were our souls who made us happy each day of our life

Dear soulmate,
where ever you are ..I miss you so much
In those stars up there in the sky
I can see you shine.
I'll pray to god for the day we can meet.
And not to make it too longer .
I wish you wont forget me.
'Will you hug me tighter if know this would be for the last time?'

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