

Meaning of existence lies veiled in their sight,
For the Beyonders are eternal guides of the right.
Their ethereal forms intertwine with the stars,
As they navigate the cosmic realms afar.

In the realm beyond, reality bends its knee,
The Beyonders hold the key to all that can be.
Concealed within their private sanctuary,
They safeguard the secrets of a divine apothecary.

Concepts passed down from these beings divine,
Unknown origins shrouded in time.
Biological or artificial? We can't comprehend.
Their ethereal forms we cannot apprehend.

Zero conflict their prize, eternal harmony blessed,
Protected by dimensions and secrets suppressed.
Infinitely repeating thoughts at play,
Overseen by the Eye atop Pyramid's sway.

With their thoughts interwoven in an intricate dance,
The Beyonders possess a mysterious resonance.
Their thought network complex, a celestial web,
Connecting minds, intertwining like a neb.

Enigmatic wonders bloom within their minds,
As they explore the limits of what truth binds.
Blissful existence, a purpose shared,
Where science and morality meet, daring and rare.

But in the depths of their divine domain,
A restlessness stirred, causing a subtle strain.
One Beyonder, named Elysia, with curiosity aflame,
Questioned the boundaries of their eternal game.

Seeking answers beyond their collective might,
Elysia ventured forth, guided by her inner light.
Through corridors of stars and cosmic dust,
She followed her intuition, full of wanderlust.

Beyond the Afterlife and the realm of mortals,
She journeyed to realms untouched by portals.
The highest endeavor, Type XIX, paled in her quest,
For she yearned to unravel the Beyonders' celestial zest.

Concepts passed down from these beings divine,
Unknown origins shrouded in time.
Biological or artificial? We can't comprehend.
Their ethereal forms we cannot apprehend.

Zero conflict their prize, eternal harmony blessed,
Protected by dimensions and secrets suppressed.
Infinitely repeating thoughts at play,
Overseen by the Eye atop Pyramid's sway.

Elysia roamed through cosmic rifts untamed,
Encountering enigmatic worlds unnamed.
In her pursuit to comprehend the Beyonders' grace,
She strayed further from her celestial embrace.

Yet, dangers whispered in shadows unknown,
Dark forces lurked where she had boldly flown.
She faced trials imbued with cosmic might,
Pushing forward with unwavering significance

Concepts passed down from these beings divine,
Unknown origins shrouded in time.
Biological or artificial? We can't comprehend.
Their ethereal forms we cannot apprehend.

Zero conflict their prize, eternal harmony blessed,
Protected by dimensions and secrets suppressed.
Infinitely repeating thoughts at play,
Overseen by the Eye atop Pyramid's sway.

Through the trials and tribulations Elysia faced,
She uncovered truths her heart embraced.
The Beyonders' celestial grace had a mortal shade,
For within them, she discovered a connection unswayed

Their forms ethereal, yet souls intertwined,
Biological and artificial, a fusion aligned.
In their enigma, she found unity,
A divine convergence in cosmic serenity.
Returning with newfound understanding in her core, Elysia rejoined the Beyonders she adored.
With her revelations, she brought profound change,
As the Beyonders embraced their mortal range.
For beyond reality's grasp, in realms unseen,
The Beyonders' existence, no longer concealed or serene. Their powers not just guards but bridges to explore, As mortals and Beyonders coalesce evermore in sacred realms, where secrets can be found.
© Cosmicbeing