

A scientific Study, Story of being lighted (4)
So shana took a strong determination . She said in her mind-

 I will take a deep study about the running religions in human society. But She saw that a majority parsent of the religions has gone away from the sight of  modern civilized world because of their own disqualification.

Most of them were the archive of ignorance and illogical blind faiths. that's why they  vanished and remained  nothing eccept their meaningless ceremony of worships.
So it's not necessary to study about these dead religions.

Only few, three or four religions are granted and followed by modern humans. So Shana will discover which is the originally sent by the creator and which is the true among this three or four. Every one claims to be true. But shana knows that the true is one.

 And a free scientific study can find out what is the truth.
 why not? science can discover the germs of various kind of disease, he can discover a planet from millions light years of distance. Why is it not possible to find out a truth only from three or four.

 It is not only possible, rather it's  necessary  to find out a religion for whole mankind. because now days  mankind  is in need of somthing which can control them from their ugly, dirty and crazy lifestyle. There is nothing most powerful thing to control human mind than a true religious faith.

 If it is proved correctly and scientifically  that our creator has sent a religion then it can be followed by all human kind.

Shana made a criteria to verify the accuracy of the  religions, She will read the scriptur of each religion and try to realize by her own intelligence, is it the word of god or not. For this realization she will judge certain three points of  every scriptur. 

1. How's the structure of life given by the scriptur. Is it compitable with the nature of human or not. It should be judged most carefully. Because the roles and obligations of life  made by god, never could be uncomfortable with the human nature .

2. The informations about first or future or the scientific facts which are found in the scripture should be justified, are they accurate or not. God can't mention any Irrational  thing in his speach.

3. The linguastic and literary standardl of the scripture.

it's also should be observed carefully. because,  generally man's word never could reach the literary of god's word. And gods speachs never would be full of mistakes as like as humans speachs can be.

© Akbar husen2