

Crazy Mind set Of Lady Beetleway
I saw a bunch of old materials so I got some glue and paint and worked a banner. So that I could display it at the towns fair. And it was loved by all because I recycled and turned it in to
a show piece. So I got offered a job to paint and design a haunted house. An this was so weird because I had to making things look bad and scary instead of good. So I did and I had everybody screaming and unset. Because I got at half the town and killed them and put them on the walls of the haunted house and paint it around blood and horror. An the smell was very bad. An some one called the police and they locked me up for using alive people in my vision of horror to have others run through it and throwing up and saying no this is not alright at all. And they took that haunted house about and Halloween over there on that street was never celebrated. And when I got out of jail they said move for ever.
So I found a new town one never you be seeing you now.😁💔
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