

My name is Natasha Bond,I am thirteen years old.
I stay in United kingdom; actually I and my parents was staying at Canada before we moved to United kingdom.
I was being admitted at high school where would be my new school now.I had no brother or sister or even a friend ,because I like doing my things secretly ,so I had no companion.
"On Monday you would be going to high school" my father said. I was so shy, happy and optimistic and at the same time scared. I didn't know what was installed for me at school. But my mother said " don't worry child you will overcome your fears and worries she said.
It was on Saturday morning ,I have everything ready; a school bag,a new pair of shoes,and stationaries.
My dad advised me to calm down and be free at school but I shouldn't act like a novice. I said okay dad.
It was on Monday morning, I woke up around 6: 30 am, I said my prayers and went to brush my teeth;after brushing my teeth, I warm a hot water; hanging itself on my bathroom.
As at 7AM, I finished dressing up. I went to my dad's room and greeted him after I greeted my dad I went to the kitchen and saw my mum packing up some snacks inside my lunch pack." good morning mum! I said to my mum. Good morning Natasha, how was your night, I hope it was great. come and have your breakfast she says. Mum I wanted to tell you something, what is that my mum asked. Mum I am feeling a little awkward since if is going to be my first day at school; I said as I poured out my mind to my mum. Darling, my mother said your don't have to be scared and it is not your first time of being going to a school. I am sure you will cope and find school interesting. I said thanks mum as I head to school.
At school, i went straight to class as I was heading to my class I noticed that a young tall,fair in complexion guy was me looking at me but to me I think he is admiring me. finally I entered my class and settled down I greeted the students present in the class. later in the noon I met a girls at my class they are being nice to me there names were Cassandra and petrolina.i was being treated well and nice by them.
As time goes on I became free at school and I was free and doing well at class am also the class captain and all the teachers like me especially Mr Sunday a man of great integrity.
It was on Monday during closing hours I noticed that a senior of mine came and approached me ( he was the tall guy that was admiring me) I was shocked and shyed. He walked towards me and said Natasha I really like you and want us to be on dating terms.
Actually I won't dispute that I didn't like him but since it going to be a secret relationship I agreed.
As time goes on we started talking on phone and we really got along.
It was on Wednesday morning when I received a call from my principal, when I got to the principal office I found that me and Jace ( my boyfriend) was exposed and it was known to the principal I had no choice but to explain all that happened.
The principal said he mustn't hear that me and Jace are dating again,I agreed and thank him.

My advice to all young lad is that, you can have a boyfriend but a positive one that can add meaning to your life that will change your life physically, academically. And a boyfriend that is requiring for sex is out of the blue. Choose a guy that will change your life and mind set positively.
© veronica