

IN THE DARK.(Part 1).
It's now two weeks since I got terminated from work.I have a child to take care of,I must also pay for his school fees.My house rent is also due in a week's time.I have no food in the house.''Mama, aren't we taking breakfast today?I am very hungry.You said we will eat something today.''
I don't have a job,but I have a child to feed.So I decide to break my savings account because it's the only way out.First, I start by breaking my son's bicycle savings.It is so sad that his dream bicycle is now going to be the only way to sustain us.I decide to talk to him about it first.''Praise,do you remember the bicycle we saw at the supermarket?''He looks at me and broadly smiles.:''Did you finally get it for me Mama? Thank you so much,I love you.Do you know that I told God yesterday to give us food and He said that He will give you money to buy good.And now He has also given me my bicycle!"I mean,who does that to a child? I smile back and lie,''Yes baby,God gave me money today.And I love you my darling...We will still have to add some money to your savings so that the money becomes enough for your bike."
I have gone through alot of hardship.From failing to join the university to pursue my dreams of being a lawyer,to being abandoned by the man I loved after getting me pregnant and now I am jobless with a child to take care of.In all two weeks,I managed to not think about the past but now it all comes back and tears wash me in torents...
To be continued...
#My Life.
© Leen Queen.