

NoTe 27
Now this is a tale of tales
Where should we begin
How much of your soul can you spare

Night just took over the sky
And the sun just hidden away
Not much of a surprise in any way

I was taking a stroll through some woods I knew
Where a river flows through
I expect to be alone
Underneath the stars
That shined so bright

Standing there in the water
Like the man of the Lake
A Cryptic Gothic Soul
Standing perfectly still right into place
Light of the Moon revealed

My crucifix hanging around my neck burned away
She said
You're soul doesn't dwell in the light of day
But in the embrace of night

Your soul is more ancient than mine
So why hide
Just let yourself be What can't be denied
Like the child of the Lake
She faded before my eyes
And I was left with the awkward understanding
That I could not simply deny.

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