

Planet X Chapter 9
Dr. Phillips was quite excited for Eric but, also very concerned. He took Scott aside to explain Eric's condition.
"Mr. Eastman. The situation is quite dyar. Eric is suffering from Preclamcia"
"What's that?"
"It has to do with high blood pressure, and it caused the uterus to contract before the end of the term. He needs bed rest. I don't want him moving around too much. Or it could cause the contractions to begin again."
"I see. Will he be alright?"
"He'll be fine as long as he stays in bed."
"Alright doc. Thanks so much for your help and coming at such short notice."
"Anytime. I always love seeing you and Eric. Except for this circumstance." Said Dr. Phillips. He then went to the bed and explained to Eric what he had to do and to say goodbye to him.
"You rest okay. If anything happens please give me a call." Scott nodded.
"Will do doc."
Dr. Phillips left with a smile. Which made Eric feel at ease. He was elated at having twins but, he hated the fact that he had to say in bed for the rest of the duration of his pregnancy. He was anxious and wanted to move around more than he was supposed to but, he knew it wasn't a good idea to do so. So he did as the doctor instructed and stayed in bed. He let Scott wait on him hand and foot, which he absolutely hated but, he knew better than to move around too much.
It finally happened when Eric was walking out of the bathroom.
"Scott!!" Scott rushed over to Eric.
"What's wrong?"
"I think you'd better call the doctor. It's time."
"Are you sure?" Just then his water broke.
"Oh yeah. I'm very sure." After helping him to the bed he called the doctor. Dr. Phillips was there within minutes. He and his nurse were shown to the room.
"When did the contractons start?" He asked, walking through the bedroom door.
"About twenty minutes ago." Replied Emily.
"How we doing Eric?"
"F... Fine..." He said, enduring another contraction.
"That's good. Any dizziness?" Eric shook his head.
"Thast good."
"Can't you give something for the pain?" Asked Scott, holding Eric's hand tightly.
"I'm sorry but an epidural could kill him and or the babies. I'm sorry Eric but you'll have to toughen this out."
"Its okay." Said Eric.
Eric endured the pain for seven and a half hours. He was very tired and seemed to be growing very weak.
"Okay Eric I need you to push when I say alright?" Eric nodded weakly. Clutching Scott's hand, he waited for the doctor to say the word.
"Okay Eric. I need you to push as hard as you can." Eric, with all his strength, pushed as hard as he could.
"That's it... you're doing so good Eric." Said Scott.
"That's it Eric now one more big push." Eric pushed again as hard as he could. The baby came out just a screaming.
"You're doing so good." Said Scott. Eric smiled but he was growing weaker by the minute.
"Something's wrong doc. He don't look so good." What's happening?"
"He's bleeding out. Nurse I need your help!."
"Can you stop it?!"
"I'm trying."
"Scott... I... I love you Scott."
"I love you too. You just hang in there okay? You're ganna be alright. You just stay with me okay." Dr. Phillips shook his head.
"I'm going to have to cut him open."
"He's bleeding badly and the other baby could die if I don't. You're going to have to make a choice. I need to get the other baby out. In order to do that I have to cut him open. But he could die in the process."
"What?! No way! You try and save them both!"
"I'm not God Mr. Eastman. We dont have time to argue!"
"S... Scott?..." Scott looked down.
"Save the baby. Please." Said Eric weakly.
"N... no. You'll be alright too. Oh God please dont let him die doc." Scott knew he couldnt deal with losing another child. So reluctantly he made the decision.
"Okay doc. Go for it."
As Dr. Phillips began cutting blood squirted everywhere.
"Scott... I... I... Love you."
"I love you too. Stay with me Eric. Please stay with me." Said Scott holding Eric close to him. Eric smiled and let out a deep breath.
"Eric?! Oh God no! Doc please help him! Please!!" Dr. Phillips finally got the bleeding under control. He went over to the bedside and began C.P.R.
"Com'on Eric breath." Said Dr. Phillips. He pushed on his chest and blew in his mouth for two minutes before Eric finally took a breath.
"That's a good lad." Said Dr. Phillips. Scott went over to him and held him.
"Hey you."
"What... What happened?"
"Nothing. You had twins." Replied Scott.
© Elizabeth Harris