

Confused Identity A Mother's Mistake
She had fainted and everyone was puzzled, You see Kylie was born with seizures that attacked her twice . First at the age of six and next at twelve. She was a sickling because nobody knew when these seizures would occur. At this point, Kevin was so scared that he called her father and told him what had happened.

There wasn't only trouble at the DeMar's house but also Mr Hamphrey's . Hillary was in an anger burst. He had just been explained to how he and Kylie are related because they share the same Mother. Hamphrey had only told him because he could see the way he looked at her. He wasn't giving incest a chance to occur among these broken families.

Kylie on the other side was not getting any better, Kevin asked to borrow the Mackson's car in order to take her to hospital. Kiara was confused she and Kim just cried. Other friends and bestfriends to Kylie had come home to comfort the siblings.
Kylie was in a seizure that had led to a comma.

Mom soaked in tears all day. Hillary had about this and he and his dad went to the hospital but couldn't see Kylie because she was in ICU.

On coming to the DeMar's house, about 15 friends had gathered when Hillary arrived. Kiara out of confusion had explained to everyone the situation. Trust me every one was in shock, though some kind of suspected it on the way Kylie was carrying on life.

Mr Hamphrey asked if everyone would please leave.
Cloy: Why sir? my best friend is in the hospital . I just ask to please help in some way.
Hamphrey: We will communicate when you can come but please for now, leave.
Michelle: Ok we shall. Guys get up we should excuse the family.

Myra, Benjamin and Cloy Mackson who were Kylie's best friends left last. Crying bitterly was Hillary in a chair.
Hamphrey: Kiara pack your dad a few clothes I will remain with him in the hospital.
Kiara: Ok. What about mom?
Hamphrey: She has a six months old baby I don't want her to be stressed.
No sooner had he said that than Kandle woke up crying.
Hamphrey: Oh goodness! Kiara I need you to take care of your siblings and Hillary I beg if you don't mind you please stay here .

Hillary was lost in thought and his mind saying, I loved her....She is my sister now..... Mom wherever you are I hate you... I hate you so much......


Black haired, tall, negro and muscular man. He moves around in distress. "Mr. Smith are you ok," a soft calm voice asked. This soft voiced lady was Katie Winston, one of the best designers in the world. She wasn't in any designer clothes this time but in an apron and hair net. Was she his maid?? Yes she was . Six years ago Katie was rocking the fashion world with art but she was manipulated into thinking that she had committed a crime. She ran and hid no one knows where she was except her mother. Katie ran to her friend who could help, The late Mrs Smith who had died a year a go in a car accident with her eight year old daughter. All she had left behind was an 18 year old son and her husband. Katie willingly honoured her friend by working in her house.
Mr Smith is a Nobel prize Laurette in science . Being the second black holder of this achievement.

Smith: Katie can I tell you something?
Katie: Anything .
Smith: My daughter, she is in hospital in Phoenix and she is in a comma.
Katie: Oh! Its so sad. Your wife told me about her. She told me she was beautiful.
Smith: She was such a kind woman that even after what I had done....I cheated and she still was that kind. May her soul rest in peace.
Katie: Amen. So, are you going to go see her then?
Smith: I want to go with Kimara. He knows about her. I want him to know that as much as his sister is dead he still has another.

Sitting in the corner of a staircase was a brown, slender and tall, carly haired, handsome fella. In a loud voice he said " Dad! When do we go see her then? I will start packing.
Smith: Kimara,I don't know . I will ask Mr Lewis to take care of the hospital. In a calm and soft tone he said ," Kimara , I want her to come home here in California. I haven't seen her since she was five years old. She is my daughter and I don't know how much she can't accept me.

Kimara: Dad I think that's the write things to do. I can have a sister again.

Smith: Well you are 18 and she is 16, you all sat GCSE so you are off to college in a few months.

Katie: I will excuse you.
The two had a long talk about Kylie's coming to stay with them, they stated all odds of her accepting or not.


A blond, green eyes and dimpled woman sat at a table with her husband and three children. Jason being 14, Jaiden, 13 and Allison being 12. We come to a family of Mr Tony Ronx.

(This lady!her description is familiar just like the one in Kylie's blurry dream.) She broke to them the story of Kylie and trust me these kids knew their mothers story.

Jaden: Mom, is she going to live with us?
Mom: No... actually I don't know she might have to accept me first.
Allison: Ahhhggg! She better not come to stay here.
Dad: Don't be mean honey. She is in a comma in the hospital.
Jaiden:Oh! what a pity.
Mom: These three families have to meet to reconcile and mend the torn up things. Though the person to meditate and discover is in the space between life and death.
I want to see my daughter . I never held her , not even for a month," she said sobbing.

And so all families fled to Phoenix where Kylie laid down in the ICU to reconcile and make terms clear.

To you special person who has read this story 💝💝🙏. I am trying to summarize the story. The next time I will write it must make the ending. But feel free to express the way the story makes you feel in all angles. I didn't want to write the whole story and all its chapters, It would be a whole movie if I did. I just want you to get the consent of the story and learn something as you think about it.

5. "Reconciliation"

Three families gathered at Kevin DeMar's house to sort things out.
Kevin: We should all introduce ourselves.
Which they all did.
Smith: Mr Kevin may I see my daughter.
Kevin: We sort this first. We can't go in there the way we are. Kylie doesn't want to wake up to our misunderstandings.
Hillary: So?? MOTHER nice to see you for the first time. I have no good word for you. If you didn't go around sleeping with men we wouldn't be here.
Allison: MR!! You don't speak to my mother like that.
Hamphrey: Hillary, show some respect.
MOTHER: He is right. This is all my fault and if I could turn back time I would live a responsible life and make good choices but I can't. I apologise to everyone here and as we are all believers I beg for you mercy and forgiveness.
Kevin's Wife: I forgive you because I feel for you but you need to take that responsibility now.
Kids we are sorry but your parents made mistakes that we don't want you to follow or ever do because you are seeing the fruits of it.
Kiara: I will forgive you , for Kylie because I don't know if she will make it out of that comma . She always says a " grudge kept is a grave dug for our downfall,"
Hillary: I guess I forgive you but I want you to be in my life and replace and feel the space of all the years we have been apart.

She hugged Hillary tight and said "I will my son,". Reconciliation is one of the realest beauties that can happen between people.

Grrrrrr! a phone rang" Mr DeMar, your daughter is awake."
"What! Ok I will be there" guys she is awake.

They all got into there cars and rushed to the hospital. On arrival they were asked to put on protective gear since they all wanted to go in.

Kylie: Nanay mo.
Mrs DeMar: Anak ! my baby is awake.
Kylie: Who are they?

At just one glance at the eyes of this man she could see her reflection in his eyes and said " DAD ! is that you?
Smith: Yes it's me. Sobbing in tears he replied yes it's me I am here"

She was introduced to everyone but even in pain she smiled all the way and even laughed a little.

Kylie: I am happy to see all of you. God told me you were coming and I am happy to see that you all are together please stay like this for_______
At that point in time the only thing the screen could show was a flat line_________________

She is gone at 16. I find it hard to complete this story because she was part of my life and now is gone to be with the Lord.

Kylie DeMar Smith
16th November 2003- 2018
A life of question and love short lived.

I'll be there for you by Jake Zyrus is her favorite song listen to it if you can it's my message for you and give me feedback.


Thanks you special one who gave their time to read.
© Alesi Giorgette