

prayer to stop the enemy
Here is a prayer I feel is strong From holy spirit

Father God
Thank you for all that you do even the things unseen when I need refuge you're my hiding place when I feel like giving up your my encouragement I thank you for Jesus Christ the perfect lamb who died for all sins I feel so ashamed that I'm not stronger all that he suffered I thank you that you're my strength and shield I ask in Jesus name that all the plots and schemes of the enemy be canceled loosed and cast into the pit in Jesus name that every chain of addiction be loosed in cast into the pit in Jesus name I thank you for letting me wear the helmet of salvation the breastplate of righteousness the whole armor of God to combat every fiery dart in Jesus name I have all my faith and the fact that you will complete your perfect plan for my life for it's yours with all glory to be for you God I am but a speck in the sand but since I am your child you will find Glory through your perfect plan for my life thank you Father God in Jesus name I pray amen.

Holy spirit inspired
© jessie Randolph pen to paper