

Can You Blame Me?!
I get it, I overstepped, I made you feel uncomfortable, I upset and intimidating you by unknowly invading and violating your personal boundaries as well as just being unprofessional, but can you really me? or is there something else at play?! For example, studies have shown that a child's first 3 to 5 years play a crucial part in the child's development particularly when it comes to language, communication and social skills. Now studies have also shown that the younger the child is living with hearing loss whether Deaf or Hard of Hearing the harder it is for them to learn social skills, commucate, and languages; on top of that children living with hearing loss will have a much harder time with reading, writing and mathematics! That is why early intervention is necessary and why the child needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible or else they will be severely lacking in social skills and healthy communication skills! Still, this isn't an excuse for earlier behavior, but when you take it into account I was misdiagnosed and didn't wearing Hearing Aids for the first 12 years of my life then perhaps maybe you can see why I did what I did. On top that studies show that children who live in neglectful and abusive homes will also have their development be affected thanks to the living environment. They say children living in these home will have issues with communication, social skills, ability with rational thinking, regulating emotions and coping with stressful situations! I lived in one these homes, so not only do I severe hearing loss that I was born with playing a role in gaining good communication and social skills, I am also being neglected and abuse at home to make matters worse I am also Autistic which in general means I can't understand social skills to be begin with, and like my Hearing Loss, I was misdiagnosed and didn't get the proper diagnosed until I was 27! Even with the proper diagnosis I haven't really been getting much help with it since then even though I am enrolled with my state's Development Disability Service Program! Again, not excuses but I like to say that all of these things played a role in my lack of communication and social skills! If not these, then maybe the fact that I spent most of my childhood being lonely and always by myself with little to no friends! Or perhaps maybe it was always being put in front of the television and that was my only connection to the outside world! Or perhaps maybe it might be that I grew up more around adults than kids and that the adults just didn't want to correct my bad behavior or perhaps it is being ignored and bullied in classrooms by both my peers and teachers that I am this way?! Well, whatever it is, whatever the reason is for me being so socially awkward and ignorant to the point where people complain about me all the time for my behavior, so much so that it is caused problems in every work environment that I have been in! But like I said, can you blame me?! I mean I didn't ask to be born with hearing loss, autism nor into abusive and neglectful home! But, I was and clearly that played a big role in my lack of social skills and understanding personal boundaries! I try not too, but neither one of my parents did a good job in that aspect especially my dad and they say you learn by example, but I didn't have anyone teaching me except my older sister who is 12 years old than me and lives in a different city!! She, was the one who practically raised me, yet I only saw her maybe 4 or 5 times a year and I usually only spent mostly 2 to 3 days with at most;however, this year will make it exactly 6 years since I last seen my sister thanks to the toxic relationship she is in, which means I have been trying navigate through my Autism diagnosis all on my own without any help! I understand that I am adult, but when you look at my sister whom I saw 4 to 5 times year was the one who raised me and taught me things like how to wash the dishes, fold laundry, and basic social interactions skills then maybe you'll understand that my parents didn't raise me, my sister did, and she had to teach me everything within the 2 to 3 days that I saw her! That means that out of the 365 days years and 366 every 4 years my sister on average at most my sister had only 10-15 days per year to teach me every life lesson that you can imagine, while also having to grow up and learn those same life lessons herself! Cause my parents, most certainly did not teach me anything, in fact I say they taught me things of what not to do instead of things to do so! So, let's see, born with hearing loss, and autism both misdiagnosed, raised by a sister whom I only saw 10-15 per year, lived in a abusive and neglectful home, had present parents who were absent minded, spent majority of my development years around adults, the TV and or by myself! Bullied and Ignored by teachers and peers and finally hardly had anyone to play with or friends in generals! So,now that you know this can you really blame me for my behavior?! Oh and as for my other behavior of wanting to learn about other people's culture's, what do you expect?! I live a state that passed racest laws and was 85% White and I lived in town that was 90% White! While, my parents grow up in cities like New York or New Orleans, me, I grew up in Eugene and Salem, Oregon! Eugene had Sunset Laws and an active KKK, Salem had no synagogue and indian removals (now they do), so can you blame me for being curious when comes to other cultures?! Considering, where I was raised?! I mean, my mom hid her Latin Roots due to racism and Colombian biases, and my dad wanted nothing to do with his Jewish and Middle Eastern roots! As for me, I didn't explore any of this let alone other people's culture's until college!! So, sorry, but can you blame me, for not being exposed to other cultures and identities like my parents were?! I mean sure, I probably could go about it another way that is less invasive, but I lack the social skills, yet I am well aware that I need to improve on such things and by no means are these excuses for my behavior or anyone's behavior, but I didn't have "normal" upbringing like so many of you! And now in my 30s I am playing catch up on everything that I should have learned in my adolescent years!! Which I am sure applys to many of you as well. Look, I am not trying to make excuses, nor denying that I have issues with communication, social skills and boundaries and need much improvement on them if I want to interact with the world and society, all I am saying is that due to certain factors playing a role in my life my skills are not up to par with the rest of people, so while I am not trying make excuses, would say can you at least give me some wiggle room or at least try to understand my situation and let work improving it before complaining about it to the point where I get in trouble for doing something unknowly?! It would be much appreciated!!