

Growing up
growing up was tough. Enemies everywhere but that didn't stop me from achieving my goals and those were to make my enemies hate me more as I succeed in life with a big beautiful smile . listen up my fellow readers life is tough as it is but it takes a very strong person to take the pain, shame,insults and heartbreaks and move on with a smile. life itself is just hard but if you take it one step at a time you'll surely reach that goal. I grew up with pain and anger but I had to tell myself that if I keep on growing up with pain and anger I'll never get gifts that comes from life itself, I'll never smile I'll always cry because of the pain so I had to stop and face the challenge. Here I am today happy and free from all the pain the secret is prayer you see prayer prayer is a very powerful weapon to succeed in life it's a very powerful weapon to always make your enemies afraid of you. One thing I learnt is your enemies are always jealous of you so show them that you don't care by smiling everyday when u see them greet them it'll kill them 😉🤭🤞