

(Part 2) Her First Step

Nefeli came to the classroom happily. Hector saw her. Darla..., Nefeli is caming..., he shouted. They both went to Nefeli. You look very happy?What happened? Hector asked. Nefeli handed him the paper in her hand. He read it. He was surprised. wow!! He showed it to Darla. She was also surprised. Egypt is the place you have dreamt of, isn't it? Get ready as soon as possible.... darla said. If ancient hieroglyphics is your favorite subject, you should definitely go for it when you get the chance. Hector said. I am tensed. This is a path to great achievement. But can I achieve it? This thought really bothers me. Nefeli said tensely. Hector and Darla hug her. you can, This is your chance. You can achieve it. They said. Their caring boosted her confidence. In the evening she ran home happily. She went to her mother. She handed the paper given by the teacher to her mother. I don't understand this. what is this? Just tell me. Mother said. Excavation in Egypt yielded a great deal of evidence. It records the entire history of this world. But they need some students to read it clearly. It has been decided to take me there through the teacher as she knows I know the ancient hieroglyphics. I want to go too. she said. Mother hugged her happily. Don't miss this opportunity, no one here will oppose it. You can go boldly. Mother said. She kissed her mother very happily. Be ready to go as soon as possible.I have to go there after my exam. Time is very short..,she said. Be brave and go..., said mother with a smile. She was raised up by her mother after her father's death. So that mother is always there for her needs. She did not sleep that day. She was standing on the threshold of a big dream. She prepared for the exam the next morning. She went to college enthusiastically. She cleared every exam with great joy. On the day of the final exam, she said her friends about the travel. They wished her a wonderful holiday season. The teacher held her close. Continue your journey to the world of dreams….the teacher told her. Happiness was evident in her eyes. Friends mourned her with tears. She is very sad to leave them. Her eyes were also filling up. But she loved her dreams more than anything else.

As soon as she reached home, she started preparing to leave tomorrow. Mother helped her. It is the first time you are traveling alone, that too to another country..., I am a little afraid of that. Mother said. Don't worry mom, I won't be in trouble. I am heading towards my goal. There is no place for fear in it. she said. Mother held her with love. Aren't Hector and Darla coming tomorrow? Mom asked. ofcourse they will come. she said. She woke up early in the morning. She did not wait for the sun to wake her up. The eagerness that filled her inside did not allow her to sleep. Nefeli and her mother left for the airport early in the morning. Darla and Hector joined them on the way. No one spoke during the whole journey. It was very sad for them to be apart for a few months. The intensity of their friendship was so beautiful. When she reached the airport, she asked everyone for a ride. Their friendship, which was full of jokes, was filled with sadness that day. She hugged everyone. She walked towards her dreams.Her first flight filled her with a little fear. The dreams she was about to achieve gave her courage. She sat with hope on the plane that took off. She looked in wonder at the clouds that made the sky like a cotton bed. The plane moved forward, clearing each and every cloud. She also moved with it to travel into the mysteries of cosmic truths.

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#story #mystery #sciencefiction