

Smoothie for tantrum
Last evening was the toughest time to pass presence me. I confess my thought to you present sitting aside with waving smile. You provoked me as I remain stranger to you. Who's fault is it ? Her charm starts to disappear in face. She is feeling shame. Moment is temporarily out of reach.
Silence continues to beat harshly. I've come back to ask you to do me a favor. You're groaning in pain under the chair. Around me was a situable place to hangover. I offer you a smoothie to forgive me. Hello! Gimmy, Don't hurt and blame yourself. It's my fault, I left alone you. Then, I never turn back and walk away. Every story is not a happy ending. Reality and existence in life is not same. I am Euton your guardian to protect you everywhere. Silence passes by my grace, I owe you and put a smile on your face.
Part-I , Intermission
© Flaws