

You are home, eating your dinner in the evening.Your mom and dad are sitting close to each other in the dinning room,simone your junior sister's present too.
As usual your mom is giving you a 'Dont forget' lecture which you hardly listen to.
you giggle as you read a funny meme on your phone.
mom:"young lady r u listening to me"
Me: "oh! sorry mom.what were you saying?" I asked putting my phone down
She frowns at you and say" I expect you to listen when am talking "
Me:"M all ears ma'am "
you say in a funny accent
mom:" I was asking if you had arranged your notes in your bag and cleaned the mess in your room"
Me:" for the first question yes but the second No.simone made the mess.she'll have to clean that up"
simone:"But it's your fault.i was asking you to choose the perfect dress for today's service"
Me:"well I didn't tell you to mess up our room besides you should av put your clothes back in your wardrobe when you were done.But who choosed to neglect that "
Your mom turn a questioning eyebrow to simone and say" Soo"
simone:"Right... I'll do that after dinner"
me: "so dad, how's Grandma's health??"
your dad turns to your mom, calling her by her pet name "ponnie,you told me you'll call your mom this afternoon.so how is she??"
mom:" oh...sorry I didn't tell you earlier.i did n my dad said mom's health is deteriorating and I promised we'll come see her tomorrow"
dad:"ok.i'll just cancel some appointments I made this week ' he said reaching for his phone on the table'and tell my P.A to take care of the office"
mom:"I'll give a call to Mandy tomorrow morning and tell her to take care of the coffee shop too"
simone:"does that mean we get to live here alone??"
mom:"No.i called Cherry's mom and told her you gals would be staying over at her place"
me:"really?" you ask excitedly
simone:"I get to live with mah bestie 👯 Stella.. great.she said smiling.
mom:"l see no one's gonna miss us" she says quietly
you stand from your chair and wrap your hands around your mom in a hug"Don't be like this mom.i'll miss you and your cooking"
simone:"same here.Besides you always call even if we don't"
she says with a smile
your dad pretends to cough and you and simone say in unison "we'll miss you too Dad"
simone give your dad a warm hug too
dad:"Common let's finish our dinner, food's getting cold"
After dinner you help your mom with the dishes while simone goes up to the room to clean up.
Done with the dishes you say goodnight to mom n dad.
mom:"goodnight baby and don't forget to set d alarm"
me:"ohk momma..regards to Grandma and dad"
dad:"ohk.sleep well princess"
Taking the stairs to your room,you push the door open and find simone fast asleep.yawning you walk towards your bed few steps away from hers and decide to take a shower.......
wearing your PJs ,you lie on your bed,set the alarm and switched d lights off.
💮 💮 💮
Simone's my younger sister and in 11th grade and i in 12th.we have the same dark hair color like mom and got our blue eye color from dad.mine is a bit lighter tho.Nevertheless we got our good looks from our parents.
Simone has few friends but her favorite is stella-my bestie's sis.
cherry and I are childhood friends.I talk bout everything with her💮 💮 💮

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