


I would like start this with a strong sentence...."Anyone can be a father , but it takes someone special to be a dad, n that's why I call u dad, coz u r so special to me"..

Dad i can't share these things with u but u r the best one in my life ...I'm alive only becoz of u...when I was born I caught u r little finger n u holded it till now n will hold it forever...no matter the difficulties ...u never discussed it with me gave me everything...I'm so lucky to have u as my dad💜

wise dad, loyal dad
daring dad, lovable dad
I can say the adjectives are not enough to describe u r qualities...not only as a dad u succeeded u r role but also u are a great loyal leader...

This covid gave me chance to observe situation s in our village n seeing PPL I felt may it be 100 years my village will never change n PPL will never change and I bet to villagers that they will never see a village head like my dad again n these PPL will be the unluckiest one for opposing my dad...

We are living in a society n generation where there's no difference btw literates n illleterates...PPL will never believe in loyalists n they just need PPL who will give them liquor n food .they are not worried abt self respect n all...they don't want a change in village instead they want to judge the PPL who are doing good to village...

# Fuck the society....no difference btw educated youth n uneducated ones ...this covid had showed me the true colours of the PPL in our village...dad I bet these PPL will never change n it's just 2 more years n everything will come to end ...let those idiots suffer...

Dad , I'm proud to be a daughter to the most loyal one n hard working one...idiots will never change dad ...I love u dady...I know if I speak abt politics with u , u don't like it n u don't want me to suffer ...so I'm sharing here...

# HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my favourite one...

I Love u dady for ever n ever💜

© Keerthi chandrika