

We live in a wiked and difficult world. This is why some ancient religious Prelate or dignitary lamented centuries ago: " though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; thy rod and staff, they comfort me."
That is why it is said by some ancient scripture, ' I send you out as SHEEP among WOLVES. The wicked and the uncivilized have WOLF CULTURE, whereas the gentle, tolerant, kind, humble, and the civilized, represent SHEEP CULTURE.
It was once proclaimed in some political circles: ' we do not need POWERFUL MEN in Society; instead we need POWERFUL INSTITUTIONS that can imbue in the citizens of the world, good character, role models that cut across religious, ethnic, tribal, sectional, and international boundaries.
Be good citizens of the world and promote civilized SHEEP CULTURE rather than an uncivilized and wicked WOLF CULTURE.
Therfore , every country in in the world must be encouraged to set up wholistic programmes in their different ministries to cater for good national and international citizenship.
© Leopold Foullah