

Snow dragans left home to discover the outside
Over 100 Years ago there was a princess dragan named Annastacia Snow other wise known as princess Snow and a Prince dragan named Christopher fire other wise named Fire dragan,Snow dragan lived Beyond the Hills in ice Land, She never flew outside from where she live because she grew up hearing bad things about it but then suddently she got too Curious and decided to ask her best friend to follow her.Her best friend told her no but she didnt care enough to listen so her best friend follow her and what she saw was so beautiful and that made her wanted to discover more about the out,As they flew further more they saw another island "Mountain caves "but it was too hot so they had to stopped. The snow dragan and her best friend dragan Lisa whos also a snow dragan saw a handsome fire dragan flew by."Wow aint he the most handsome dragan you ever lay your eyes on princess snow "? Dragan Lisa said.
"oh my god of course he is " princess snow said as she blush.The snow dragans then hide themselves from been seen but as they got distracted by the fire snow princess snow mother found her and with such Anger on her face princess snow knew shes in very big trouble,As the snow dragans flew home to ice Land queen snow curse princess snow because she Disobey her for going outside. Princess snow flew to her room thinking about the fire dragan.
To be continued
© Annastacia smith