

My Introduction
I am the bending bar that will never break. I am a comet made of dust and ice, soaring forever energetically, mimicking the stars after they wake. Leaving a single trail to follow because, my thoughts are outstanding, and the soul demands to grow larger. Give me a second, I am on an imaginary mission. Exploring the outline of my heart, then I will surrender it to my beautiful woman, we will never be apart. Siamese twins, always connected from the start. Until the night is through, allow me to introduce myself, I am the calculation in Pi the circumference of any circle. We're inside a church steeple, wearing a wedding band, both are equal. I love her from the morning dewdrops until the moonlight peeks through the window shades. She's the heart and I the soul, a beautiful combination, pure as gold. I introduced myself to her once, life became a fairy tale everyone gets what they want. When I was in a deep sleep,suddenly dreams approached, we received what we needed and gave the most. I love her in the depths of thoughts, without her, I am forever lost. My introduction.
© Daniel Mason