

My timid love
Tonight I want to hug you, want  to feel you, look at you....I feel lonely, where are you? can you listen to these words I am sending you in the dark? My lips are writing words for you...they were here but they've just left...my words are just flying around,  they are finding their path. They have reached you, I can feel them kissing you in my mind in the middle of the night when I close my eyes.

You are cold right now, I can tell...the wind blows to bring you my warmest words full of passion, to let you feel my soul.

Every word is a kiss for you tonight, every whisper is a warm hug, a deep touch of a new love....love...our love.
What is love? Is what I feel inside for me and maybe one day for you.
I would like to share that feeling, hoping that you love yourself, that you are always connected with your heart so I can write stories with its red color of love. We can share happiness, moments, laughs....life!

One day maybe together we can be the writers of our new love story, I will let your blue eyes to fly with me, let's close our eyes, write some words. For now just  stop, I want you to look at me, deep inside.

...Oh my timid love...where are you? I am here for you to find me tonight, hope you are here tomorrow when I open my eyes.

