

To Parents and Children
To Parents
If you are a parent struggling with children try to observe how God and Jesus educate and teach us as spiritual children. Jesus and God are patient, kind, and full of wisdom. They pour forth unconditional love, and they know that we must learn from our choices as well as from them. The same rebellion Lucifer inspires within the minds of humanity to rebel against God is affecting our children. Lucifer instills rebellion in our children's minds through the actions of parents who are also rebellious to God's truth. Children learn this rebellion from the world around them and they need parents who are strong in the truth of God.
It is important to teach children about the spiritual conflict we all face. We must teach them that there is a conflict going on in the unseen places and in our minds and that it is a conflict of choices made in free will. It is a conflict of soul-level willpower and it manifests into the world through our actions. We must teach them, about the conflict between truth and lies and how to navigate by the heart to detect and avoid Lucifer's lies while detecting and following the truth of Jesus and God. Lucifer will seek to confound this at every turn, but we must be strong and full of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and strive to raise our children with the knowledge of these spiritual and physical matters.
We must teach our children who Jesu and God are. We must teach them who Angels are, and our place within God's Kingdom. We must teach them why Jesus is our Lord and Savior and why he is the King of Kings. we must teach them why we should love and be loyal to our Lord Jesus Christ and God. We must teach our children how to stay close to and listen to the counsel of Jesus and God who they are and why they are so important. We must teach them what prayer is and why it is so important. we must teach them the power of faith. We must teach them who Lucifer is and how to evade him and his lies, and we must teach them to stand firm in their faith against the adversary. We must raise them up in our Lord Jesus Christ and God's truth from childhood so that they can be true children of God and God's Light eternally.
Try to remember your childhood and what your parents did for you throughout your life. As your parents age, you will have become like parents to them. They will need you to support them as their strength grows less from age. This is the natural order of life and should be respected. You should not cast them aside just as they did not cast you aside as a child. Just like you should never ignore our Lord Jesus Christ and God in heaven, you should never leave behind or ignore your parents as they age. You will be the hands of Jesus and God for them, just as they were the hands of Jesus and God for you.

To Children
Your Earthly parents are providing for you, even as God and Jesus provided for them. God and Jesus provided for you through your parents and through many other sources in your life. There are layers of blessings cascading down to you from heaven. Jesus and the Angels of Light are with you right now and always, and you can speak to them through prayer. They will guide you and counsel you in all ways. They speak into your heart and manifest their love to you through your earthly life. You are a child of God and Light. Read and study the Bible and learn who our Lord Jesus Christ is and why Jesus is our Lord and savior. Pray to Jesus and God and ask them to draw near to you and to teach you the truth about life and reality.
Let all things draw you to Jesus and God and their eternal love for you. Enjoy and observe nature and feel the Grace of God as nature moves in perfect harmony with God's will. In all the experiences of your life, Jesus and God are educating you through your choices, actions, and experiences. Your Earthly parents are a reflection of Jesus and God's love for you as your heavenly parents, and you should obey their commands and respect their wishes.
You should cherish your parents and Give thanks to Jesus and God for them and what they do for you. Your parents have laid a table before filled with blessings and they work hard to provide for you i this way. Support and love your parents, help them with their tasks. They want to lead you to the healthiest things and teach you the healthiest things. Lean not on your own understanding as they educate you, but be willing to learn and listen to what they are teaching you. Allow yourself to be educated by them for they have a greater understanding than you do. Thye only wishes to give you this understanding so that you may have it too. You should give thanks to them for what they have provided.
Later in your life, after you have grown up into an adult yourself, it will be your turn to take care of your parents. Try to remember your childhood and what your parents did for you throughout your life. As your parents age, you will have become like parents to them. They will need you to support them as their strength grows less from age. This is the natural order of life and should be respected. You should not cast them aside just as they did not cast you aside as a child. Just like you should never ignore our Lord Jesus Christ and God in heaven, you should never leave behind or ignore your parents as they age. You will be the hands of Jesus and God for them, just as they were the hands of Jesus and God for you.

I say these things in Jesus name Amen

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Love and Light

Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash
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