

One day I looked up an was alone all the time. My friends was always busy to busy for me. My family was always busy to busy for me. But they let me know that they will always be there for me. My name is Joy love im 32 years old an I've had depression seens a child.

Everyone knows I have good days an bad days. They are there for me when it gets really bad for me. Today im feeling really down. It seems like I won't get pass this without a little help. Even though my love ones are not answering me. I know they are here for me so I am trying to think of what they would say to me. How they would help me through the rough patch im having.

My sister always tells me that with God by your side you can get through anything. An that reminds me that I am never alone he has been with me every step of the way.

My brother always tells me to walk by faith not by site. Because everything isn't always what it looks like. sometimes you have to feel to understand you are human.

My friend's always tell me that I am a good person. An sometimes life hurts me more them others. But you always make it through an stronger then every.

It's what I tell myself that is making realize I have No loyalty to me. When I tell myself I can't take this anymore. I wish something would happen to me them maybe they will care. If I die no one will miss me an will cry lies.

But when you really look at my story you see I am the only one with no loyal to me. An I am not loyal to those that love me. Because this depression is controlling me an I lets it. when it is really just a dark feel that sometimes come over me.

Now im starting to understand why I feel no loyalty. Because I let this feel I have has too much control over me. when the people around me have shown and told me. I am a strong person an they are always there for me. Even when they don't answer their love always stick with me.

I have to find the loyalty inside of me and love me. Its really hard believe me because loyalty to yourself sometimes doesn't come easy. Because depression is a tricky mind, body, souls, terrifying feeling. But I won't let it defend me because I am in control of me an I have people who love me. Even when the depression kicks in I have to remember I love me an thats my loyalty to me......

© Queens & kings