

Once upon a time.......
Not ur love story

Once upon a time , a family of 5 --- husband, wife , son and two daughters were on their way to pay visit to grandparents. The car stopped due to a flat tier and the father went away searching for a mechanic, mother stepped out to call her mother how long will it take to reach her home. Suddenly.... she heard a noise; a cry , a cry from a child who desperately needed to drink milk as she was already starved for a day. The maternal instincts in her couldn't help herself not to let the child suck on her milk , she started feeding her for couple of minutes and the eldest daughter came out to check on her mother and she saw her feeding the baby . She was already 15 and knew how the babies were born, so she asked her mother who that baby was and the mother said it's your little baby sister we lost . Hearing their conversations other siblings jumped into the conversation, the youngest got excited knowing her dead sister was back..... But her big sister knew it wasn't possible to be realive after the burial......

I'll continue this after I'm more advanced in writing. The story is not fully fictional

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