

a boy lost his parents in 2013
Once apon a time there was a father mother and a boy they lived in city called Margao in the place named benaulim Sacelate goa.
So the boy was born in 18/11/2000 and he was 3years of old his father used to go for work he used to work as a pilot of two and three Wheeler vehicle from morning to evening and he used to come home around 6.30pm. So the mother used to take the boy to the school at morning and at afternoon time she used to bring the boy back to home around 2.00pm. So the parents were from the poor background family they cannot used to afford 3times of a meal a day so we used to have breakfast like bread or omlet and a cup of tea some times even biscuits. So we used to skip our lunch sometimes or we used to have one or two samosas and at evening we used to eat rice or a chapatti with fish curry not to tasty but to fill our stomach . So the mother was preparing diner at evening so suddenly she heard a noise from the door open the door open the door know so the mother got scared and the boy was crying as soon as the mother opened the door going to see the father had drank and came so the mother replied where were you ? I need some money to buy some things from the market on Sunday I was so worried about you so the father replied what you need money there is no money with me I used it so the mother replied what are you saying than father said its non of your business and slapped her on face and bitting her badly and scolding at her so the mother got hurt and was crying and the boy got scared so the mother said if this will continue I will leave the house and stay away from you the father said go right now I don't want anyone in the house did you understand I don't need anyone so the mother was crying badly and left the house at night Took the boy with her and started looking for a room to stay so suddenly one women was walking through the road she saw that one lady was going with one boy so the women went running and said wait what happened tell me where are you going at night it's too dark now so the mother replied I am looking for a room to stay so the lady replied I have one room I can give you to stay but you need to pay the rent per month 2000rs only so the mother replied okey but when I will go to search a job at morning and come at evening will you take care of my child please so the women replied okey I will take care of him so the mother was very Happy and thanked The women . So they all went to the room so the women replied okey now go and take rest you must be tired so as the mother was going to sleep the women suddenly saw the Mark on the face and hands and asked her what happened in the face so the mother said nothing women replied I can see some marks on the face then mother replied what are you saying so the mother quickly went to check in the mirror and saw that there was marks on her face and hands now she is worried about that women will she ask me anything about what had happened so she was very frightened and went to the women
Before women was asking her what had happened the mother said the whole story about what had happened. So the women felt bad and said I will help you if there will be any problem tell me so then they went to sleep. The next morning the mother told the women that now I am going to find a job please take care of my child so the women replied okey so the women gave the boy some puzzles to play and solve it the boy could not solve the puzzles so the women thought the boy how to solve the puzzles after solving the puzzles she gave a drawing paper and a pencil to draw the drawing of that puzzles so the boy slowly started drawing any how but he drew the drawing nicely so at the evening when mother came back the women quickly showed the drawing of the child when mother saw the drawing she felt happy wow such a nice drawing it is.
Then the women said how was your day did you found job then the mother replied you know what had happened as I was going to search a job suddenly one man named savio came and told me that there is a often age
Homes by the name Elshaddai if you cannot afford anything and if you have a child you can put him there so then I said ok but what what do I need to do so the man said you must carry some documents of the child and submit it in the office then they will put him in one of the homes and they will also provide him with food clothing and education and they will take care of him. So after hearing this news the mother became very happy and told the women so tomorrow I will go over there to put my child so then the women replied that's good . So the next morning the mother took the child and went to the office and did the admission of the child so they put him in one of the homes on 2007 named Kathleen house where all smaller children like 4yrs to 10yrs old used to stay there the boy was 7years old so the mother told the child you can stay here they will provide you everything and there will be staffs to look after you as the mother was passing the boy started crying so the mother went fast to catch a bus and then she went home happily. So the boy used to go to school by bus which they were providing after that the teacher put the boy in the class named nursery which is for small childrens but the boy did not know anything he used to talk only konkani and nothing else so other children's used to laugh at him and he used to fill sad so as the the months passed by the boy slowly learned how to talk in hindi and English and was very happy because he got everything there like food to eat clothes to wear Adducation and made new friends and a better place to live.
As the years passed the boy grew up he was about 10yrs of old so the staff shifted him in one of the other home named victory house where all 10yrs and above children used to stay there so he loved there and made friends and began to know each others so as the years passed by the was about 13yrs of old and he was in the 8th standard so suddenly a call came from the office of the boy saying that his mother died. the boy felt very sad from inside and was crying beterly the boy was not knowing that he had a step sister so the step sister named rita told the boy that your mother passed away in 2013 the boy felt very lonely and upset and did not talk about anything and was very silent and stopped talking with others for a week. And said know matter what happens there will be one day that someone will be there to look after me I don't know how. Some of the boys started mokking at the boy saying he his alone and no one is there to look after him the boy was felling very upset and sad.
As the years passed the boy grew up he was about 15 years old and was promoted to 10th standard. he completed his board exams and passed in 10th standard and got 69 percentage.
After finishing his 10th he decided to work in hotel line so the staffs that took care of him they took the boy to one of the hotel in candolim named as hyatt centric so the boy started working there as a traine for 2years in engeenering department and made new friends and enjoyed working there .
As the year passed by the boy
was was about 16 yrs old. So the boy had a younger brother he came to know afterwards when one of the lady who has been working with the boys mother the lady informed that I and your mother was working together so we met each other and became friends so even she told me that he had a child who is staying in Elshaddai and he had a brother Who was having HIV so to keep him separate your mother shifted him in other place. Where other HIV people were leaving there. So your mother told to inform you.
After that the boys brother who was staying in other place he got adopted their name was ken and Denise so the boy who was adopted told that I have older brother who stays in Elshaddai one of the lady who was working with my mother told me. So the adopted parents told that we will go to visit your older brother. So as the months passed by suddenly I saw one car is coming I thought that they will be visitots or volunteers came to see the childrens.
So suddenly the boy called out the name of that boy the boy came to see who has come
He saw that it was his younger brother and with his brother he saw his adopted parents
And was very happy and excited so the boy introduced about him and talked about what had happened so the adopted parents told the boy don't worry we are there to help you and your brother so the boy was very happy and thanked God for giving such a wonderful parents and so the boy continued doing his work and started talking with friends and felt good and was very happy. And also the adopted parents were coming to visit the the boy during his weeky off which was given by the hotel. So he continued to be happy and said I have got now someone to look after me. And the boy now is 20yrs of old

This story is written by nikhil dsilva

who was the older brother and Who was one of the boy from Elshaddai

And the younger brother name was sushil dsilva who was staying with other hiv people

The boy mothers name was gloria dsilva

The boy Fathers name was roy dsilva

And this was his true story

Thank you

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