

no other way
I didn't know the gun had been loaded. I have killed the most important woman in the world and now have a grand bounty on my head for 3 million. about a week ago me and my pal Bob ( I can't say his real name, I can't afford him dying to) was watching Jessica warcocks speech about world violence from our apartment across the street. Bob had pulled out a gun and said "bet you 5 dollars you won't pull the trigger at her" and I am a pretty money hungry person so I said "give me the gun" and took it. I had no idea the gun had any amo in it and thought he was just pretending that there was one so I could be scared and just give him his 5. I pulled the trigger and a bullet went zooming towards warcocks and killed her. "wow you actually did it, you are one greedy man indeed" Bob said with a smirk. "HOW DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, I JUST KILLED THE WOMAN THAT FOUND THE CURE TO CORONA" I yelled with sweat running all down my face. "look for the shooter now" one police said and one cop looked all the way up the apartment i was in and saw me and got his walkie talkie and said "found em" as police rushed up to were we were. we have a secret room in our apartment under the floor mat so we hid under there and waited. "OPEN UP YOUR UNDER ARREST" and I heard my door smash open and cops running above us. "where the h***is he" a cop said. " I think he escaped let's look somewhere else" another cop said as they all ran out. "GET DOWN TO YOUR KNEES" I heard a cop yell in the room across as u heard a gunshot in the other "here is your five bucks as promised" Bob said "this isn't the time for that" I said in a mad tone "your really getting on my nerves, why would you actually put a bullet in the gun" I said to him "why would you actually shoot it" Bob said as he did this smirk that got on my nerves so bad "hey, don't try to turn yourself in, they'll just put you on death row or some torture room" Bob said "hey I won't be the only one going on death row, your just as guilty as me" I said. that night all I heard were people yelling, women screaming and cop sirens. now that you're all caught up with what's gone on for the past week this is where we depart ways. "there's no other way" I thought before I shot the gun pointed at my head
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