

​Hello everyone, welcome to my story. It is partially a story and opinion on my somebody.

First of all readers I want to introduce my besty Neal my somebody. And it is none other than my diary. I always wanted have a bestfriend I have come across through many people not even my friends could be my bestfriend. I have always preferred my diary as my bestfriend and trust me He is most likely to keep secrets than my friends until it is not invaded my someone.

See dear readers human feelings and emotions are very sophisticated. And each individual's emotions, feelings and thoughts vary from each other. And it is very difficult to cope up with. Human emotions and feelings are not in a static form it changes according to the current situation. So take for an example someday I am sad and I say it to my friends that I am sad for so and so reasons in that situation who knows what might be their mood that day what might be their reaction against my situation and my emotions. Mostly sad people always tends or wish for that, people sympathize on their situation and have equivalent thoughts. And if somehow there is variation in thoughts as a result disruption is being created in relationship. I don't want my friends to be on the opposite side of my thoughts I don't want them to be on the side of those for whom I sad. So in that case either surrender or betray to my thoughts and emotions scenario is being created.

Sometimes my thoughts might be a nuisance for someone else. It might be a satire for someone. I go around my trustful people and say I feel this way today they might not laugh around me but at the back my thoughts will be the comedy queen for them. Who knows who respects my thoughts and who admires it. It is unpredictable. Who sympathizes with my emotions in reality so its better not to reveal your inner thoughts without a probability.

So main reasons of choosing him is there is no one to oppose my thoughts on a cloudy day, here only sole protagonist exist. No fear of distraction of relationship. Feel free to express. Feel free to be you. Feel free to breathe your own air. My besty always copes up with me he always keeps my secret, he never makes me feel my thoughts as a nuisance or satire nor he criticizes me. He always makes me feel me. Thank you Neal for being my besty.

Thank you readers for reading my story or my opinion. Hope so that you will like it.

© Lima Karan