

"I can feel it. He is coming for me." Eli announced to the group as he dropped the glass after emptying it quickly. He flicked the glass around with his fingers and his eyes fixed on it.

After-work was the group's favorite spot to let go of the stress that hung tightly to folks of their age group and work frame. The powers they bore drifted them closer to what would eventually snuff out their very life. So sad. If they were going to die, it was best they did so together.

"Someone is always coming for you Eli, bearing grief doesn't seem to kill you well enough" Bayo replied with good cheer, dropping his back into his favorite chair. His perpetual cladding in black clothing was a perfect depiction of the work they found burdened on them by the dictates of nature yet it was a perfect contrast to his near-complete joyful countenance.

Well manicured slim fingers tapping on a mobile phone screen with much speed that interrupted sanity was immediately followed by Indima's masculine voice " You guys have so much joy that I wonder if we are in the same line of job" the fingers stopped to pick up a piece of chin-chin. She put it to her face staring blankly without expression. "And I wonder why Jegdy isn't saying anything."

"We didn't let Eli arrive at what is coming for him yet so what am I to say?" Jegdy finally chipped in. The air of authority in his delivery put an anchor on the stiffness flowing among the dear friends. His voice always rippled along everyone's heart as they contended with beats off a bass drum.

"Anytime you open your mouth to speak, I just want to love you and bow before you as king simultaneously" Indima joined the conversation and laughed heartily, making it difficult to know if she was serious or sarcastic.

"Quit teasing me" Jegdy replied to the lady while making a call me gesture with his fingers and a wink. "Now let us hear what is coming for Eli so that we will know whether to run or stay".

" Whatever we decide to do about Eli's predicament will most likely be lost to God-Eva as she is already lost to her thoughts" Bayo said with his right hand under his split chin while looking at God-Eva. Her full black hair coupled with bright eyes the colour of fresh grass made her a sight to behold. "Eva?" Bayo waved to the lady to get her attention.

Eva shrugged her shoulders as if to make a jump back to reality. She sighed. "I don't get what makes Luke Skywalker fascinating."

Time froze, all minor chatter and sub-flirting froze with the time. Glasses and Styrofoam cups dropped. Eyes moved to the same coordinate symbolic of God-Eva. "Okay, I know I have a problem, but you have my full attention" Eli told with all concentration.

© Jegdy