

A Short Letter To Him
Hey dear,
It has been 7 years since our departure. And for those years I kept missing you. I thought to myself that I'll forget you in those years by staying away from you. But it's so hard to be easily forget you. I tried lots but can't get you rid out of my mind.My mind always keep whispering your name. Though we are not in contact,it's through my heart that always contacts you. Sometimes, I feel I should ask your address from your friend but so timid....of what they would think of me. Whenever they takes your name, I use to ask him curiously .
It's been long years back when I have a feelings on you, but I kept it secretive from all. None of my friends knows untill today, even if they knows everything about me. I kept it secret,only between my heart. No matter what your life was, who you are, I always gaze you with a thought in my mind that I want to change you. My mates always judge you, they see your rudeness, they notice your high attitude,but they never know you. Infact I also don't know you well but still I can see you with some goodness. Even if we are not close too to each other, I observe you and have learn something about you as much as I can since I was there with you for many 6 years. I always thought of myself to bring some changes on you. I see that you need changes in yourself. Since my school days I always used to gaze you secretly. Yeah...I know it sounds silly , you can called me crazy . And I'm kinda... I can't even get to know myself how it happened to me. I can't really explain it...since I was totally unconcious. I don't even know myself what makes me so affection to you. What's there connection between you and me? Why I alwzys need you? Why can't I forget you? I searched for an answer many times but can't find any clue. I have been away from your sight for long years without any contact, but still I can't really forget you.And this prove me that distance doesn't matter to keep away someone from your heart whom you needs the most. I know its so ridiculous, I hurt myself. Though I pretended myself to be careless about you, I always cares you secretly. When we were at school I always gaze you secretly like a little cat. Whenever I don't see you I used to search you secretly in my mind. I used to miss you in your absence from class. That much I need you in my life...!
No matter how hard I tried to keep you away from my heart, it's been always same for me, feeling your presence in my heart. You are always in my mind , in every seconds of my breathe. I always wants to meet you, spending some times together. That moment when we met in a crowded place, was a lucky day for me. I was so happy by seeing you, and feel so excited when you interacts and shook my hand for the first time.

I'm really very sorry for burdening you. I can't express my feelings for you since I'm scared of lossing you.My feelings for you can't replace anyone even if I love someone. You are my first admirer in my life and still can't let you go out of my heart. My 7 years of departure doesn't make any sense of forgetting you. After all .....I can do nothing but only miss you.

Still hoping to get chance to meet you again!!.

#writco anthology#sadstories

Distance doesn't matter in forgetting someone whom you have already sealed in your heart, no matter how hard you try.