

Will they plead again???
There have been criticising statements everywhere from the past few days after central government announcing a economic stimulus package. Many opposition parties, rural leaders have opined that it would be better if there is direct cash transfer into the hands of poor and deprived people.
Will it end the problem by disseminating cash into hands?.My question would be "is it required to put cash into hands directly?". people who possess money to buy liquor, can't they afford to purchase basic minimum goods. What if cash is provided and if they spend it on unwanted items.....Will they plead again to govt or beg again....
The solution provided may not heal the economy instantly but it is futuristic. people must possess patience till then. people must try to upgrade their skill and be self-sufficient. cental government has expanded the financial resources to MGNREGA works. People have to take up works.
Government policies must always transform people to stand on their own legs.