

The mystery of the night.
It was a dark and starry night. All was quiet and the town folk were fast asleep . Then the quietness was disturbed by the rustling of a bush a huge figure emerged from the darkness its eyes red and its body like that of a beasts. It went into everyhome searching for something .This creature was just not any creature it could move as quick as lightning, who could have thought something as huge and strong as that could move faster than the speed of light. The beast tore around the town awakening every household in the town no one could see it move . The beast however went back from where it came from with a failed search. What it was looking for no one knew. But the beast was sure to come back.
"Majorie come , come look at this ! ", screamed Mr . Peterson from the coffee table.
"For Pete's sake what is it !" , said Mrs Peterson sounding a bit annoyed.
" Last night the midnight stranger struck again !"
"That midnight stranger is really mysterious too bad no one knows who or what it is !" sighed Mrs Peterson
David was however siting in the kitchen having his breakfast while eaves dropping on his parents conversation.
That is when he had a brilliant idea he was going to find the midnight stranger the next night.
Everyday David walks to school with his three friends John, Alex , Samantha. On his way to school he told his friends about his brilliant idea to catch the midnight stranger. His friends laughed thinking he was crazy but he was really determined. Seeing the look on David's face made them stop laughing.
" Are you sure you want to do this you dont know what it looks like , what if it is scary or huge or armed you dont even know if it is a person for goodness sake !" , screamed Samantha.
"David it is too dangerous I think you should forget about it !" suggested Alex
"No do you not see all these years that we have been pushed around in school and bullied will change our entire lives will change soon our face will be on every newspaper in the town !" said David in encouraging manner
" But what if something happens ?" , asked John
"Nothing is going to happen whatever that thing is it surely can not take down all four of us ." ,said David
"You mean all three of you I am not participating in this ! ", said Samantha not looking pleased.
" So what is your plan ?" asked Alex
"For now lets get to school we do not want to be late ." said David.
The three friends (except Samantha) had gone over the plan again. The clock struck twelve and the friends had snuck out and where hidden in the bushes waiting to strike. They had layed traps everywhere hoping for the stranger to set off the trap. Then it came it had the same red eyes, body that could crush a thousand human skulls with one blow. The beast went through its normal routine serching and searching for who knows what. Then it stopped all of a sudden . It stood still for a moment then turn its direction to where David had been hiding. The beast hard heard his heavy breathing and was walking towards his hiding place. David smelt something it was the worst thing he had ever smelt then the source of the stench met him face to face, eye to eye . David screamed at the top of his lungs though he did not see exactly what it was he was running for his life then David set of a trap he was dangling in the air and the beast was approaching then it stood still again something had caught its eye , could it be what it had been searching for or had it found another one of the friends but it hadnt it was walking straight for whatever it was searching for then it also triggered a net trap . The 2 friends came out of hiding and gave a shout of joy by this time the town was awake once more and everyone had come outside . Alex and John cut David down and stood infront of the net.
"Townsfolk you have all been aware of the midnight stranger but have never seen it well feast your eyes on this!" announced David and moved away from the net and bowed.
The townsfolk didnt really seem amused David wondered why no one was excited then he turned around the beast was gone they were all basically staring back at an empty net.
"But we saw it really!" screamed David.
"Go back to sleep kids it was just a dream! "
"But it wasn't !" protested Alex
No one believed them not even Samantha but the boys knew it had not been a dream ome thing they also knew was that the beast was sure to come back eventually.