

The darkside of the mind crimes. Dirty beggar part 8
Dear Detective...

This is your diary speaking... Your terrible friend actually... You know you weigh a ton ... Stop hiding me in obvious places someone might just read me you know.. All jokes aside "detective" I think some is quite fond of your works.. You should consider becoming an author... These stories execpt this one... Well quite thrilling actually kind of inspiring something to play with.. I love a good horror my poor little lamb of a detective.. Such critique of my work.. Such an awesome thrill reading on how you squirm about me and I know I am making quite the impression on you.. My toes wiggle with sweet pleasure.. On the contrary I detest your fowl name towards me.. I didn't kill these people... Call it my task from God.. I am good willed. I merely set lost souls free...

Everything is so dark and grim. They hid you from my terror.. You know the cadets and their supervisor are equally useless especially your two guards you have.. Should I even comment on the security cams and systems? SPOILER ; my packages are super safe to open they are filled with some papers, but you'll find nothing.. Now back to my grim part as I wanted to say.. You are such an angel when you sleep.. So cute, but as a matter of fact you snore so soft and so gentle, but moan from time to time so attractively it give me so much goosebumps... Anyways, I thought I just want to play a small game and give you a little hand detective.. You seem to struggle a bit see my salvations are like poetry and has two sides..

I have shown you some stuff the troll, was my personal fav... Ahh, reminds me of my childhood and the tale of the three goats and the troll under the bridge.. Sadly my world was shattered when I saw people sleeping under bridges and we the fortune goats can just cross.. Some not so fortunate yeah..They are like the troll that falls in the water and die.. Some suicides, some are accidents.. But people don't value their lives much. Look at that poor boy .. Arrested him and for what? You felt sorry for him.. Innocence aren't protected. He could have died for his irresponsibility.. Sadly I wonder what happens now once he is free again... Will he now become like the rest of them? What are you doing for him?

See everyone is missing me as well.. How much attention are you paying my dear, dear "detective". You know as a kid that's why the kid died and was scattered all over is that we are so free and so safe, but for some it isn't a reality my dear friend.. My sister I hung up there in that warehouse I didn't forget about her, but I mean her position says it all..

Ahh the beautiful scary message for the waiter. You know everyboy felt pity for the poor waiter. He has a kind heart, but his kindness came to late. Then my playground.. The knives all that detail in the barn.. Shame that poor guy... He totally didn't seem happy to work anymore after that surprise..

See "Detective" it is fun for you to play the narrator in this story here in your diary... However you just say and feel your sorries after the kills. You are angry as you feel guilty in this all. You don't really care about these people.. To be honest their misfortunes are your bread and butter.. Your work and your fun. I invite you to my gallery. The next painting is up for the highest bidder. Maybe somewhat literal paint these days is an expensive commodity these days. People pay in blood to get it.. You probably catch my drift dear..

It was fun seeing you.. Total butterflies all over I can't say more you have to figure out the rest my dear I can't do your work for you.. Besides you'll be waking up soon and I can't let you see me.. Hope you are at peace and give me up will you? You deserve more my dear detective... I will leave you with the words of love.. Maybe my next salvation might complete this for you.. But this is for your eyes only.....

" Lost are those who have a lot and thoughtless are they in their deeds and desires grown.. They hunger for more and more... And step on those who have less to achieve their success.. Question is who is hungrier? Those who want or those who need it.. Who are you my dear? "


© The cube said it