

Live in your truth
In Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, the most powerful words spoken by polonius before his son left to catch the boat to Paris was “To thine own self be true.”

We live in a time when it seems like authenticity no longer exists because we let society hold all the standards and so there are many who from day to day put on an act because they have forgotten who they are, or they find it easier to wear a mask to be accepted.

I think it’s important that we accept ourselves and realize that just as the scripture says in (Psalms 139:14) “we are fearfully and wonderfully made” the only thing that should matter is how we see ourselves. When we lose sight of who we are our authentic self becomes compromised.

Before Steve Jobs passed away, he said:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life”.

People these days are so easily influenced, some live as “yes men/women” they will agree to whatever people say because they don’t know their worth, or they are too afraid to see their own potential, they don’t realize that they are amazing individuals.

Each day is a new day to be open and honest with ourselves, it’s the opportunity to see ourselves through the eyes of those that see us for the beautiful souls that we are. It’s time to get rid of the negative thoughts and be kind to ourselves. It’s time to live in our truth, set the standard and let the world follow suite.

So I encourage you from this day forward to be uniquely you.

“To thine own self be true” #Be yourself

#BelieveInYourself #LoveYourself #BeTrueToYou #BeStrong
© ShiningLight716