

When the cycle stays the same
Start your story about how a single word may bring a fight to an end. When it is a continuous cycle and nothing changes. when a person has a negative mindset. Mind stays like that into evil and violence and driving people into an emotional and fear. In the end it is called fear of that person daily. When a person keeps on having abnormal problems and their strategies with people being very negative and having so much anger and there is no mind control. Behavior gets bad throughout the years and won't change. And doesn't realize in their mind of what they are doing and acting. Always a fight in the end while sleeping, walking, running and talking. And daydreaming into a state of mind and always acting with fight and anger. Everyday a mind struggles without no help. Instead it is change of their mentality constantly and goes into a angry state of mind and talking with lies and story keeps changing constantly. Never on a standpoint and don't know what to expect and believe 💯 daily.