

10 minutes
Sit in front of your wife for 10 minutes - you will feel that life is very difficult. Sit for 10 minutes before drinking - you will realize that life is very easy. Sit for 10 minutes before sadhus and sannyasis. You will feel the need to donate everything. Sit in front of a politician for 10 minutes - everything you read is worthlessYou will feel. Sit in front of a life insurance agent for 10 minutes - you'll feel better about dying. Sit in front of traders for 10 minutes - you will definitely feel that your income is very low. Sit in front of scientists for 10 minutes - you will realize the enormity of your own ignorance. Sit in front of good teachers for 10 minutes - again oneYou will want to become a student. Sit in front of a farmer or laborer for 10 minutes - you will realize that you are not working hard enough. Sit in front of a soldier for 10 minutes - you will realize that your own services and sacrifices are insignificant. But sit in front of a good friend for 10 minutes whenever you can - make your life heavenYou will feel! JOIN JOIN JOIN!! 😊 Think good Will be fine....