


The day duty was halted, after sailing to port Busan in South Korea seemed unbearable. A free day indeed. So I summed up the task I gave myself that very evening. Afterward, I proceeded with my normal norms of reading the Bible before retiring to bed at half, followed by two. Laying afaroff from my unit was umer who served the unknown gods.
Screaming and gnashing one teeth while sleeping without opening his eyes for response. Then I took hold of fear, while the Scripture became visible to my understanding.
Jesus, have neither experienced such act in my entire plus and million years on earth,
inspite been exposed to few spiritual battles.
As the day broke forth, I engaged him in a deep conversation in order to really find out his dilemma and the reason while he kept muted to one soul without fighting back.
But nothing came out from him as he laughed at me to scorn. A chained had been placed for destruction.
And if anything goes wrong with him, God will hold me accountable for failing to preach the gospel to him.
My inner man couldn't let me be, as this Scripture was ready through him. (Matthew 5:16)
I have lost it as I wept. Then I remembered this great Book written by Kathryn Kuhlman( Never Too Late).
But over the years, I have seen God perfecting his request, when He had a court case and requested we did pray together and the end thereof was amazing grace.

We are our brothers' keepers regardless of colors, dialect, culture and ideology even when their ways are not in tune with you. It's necessary to accept them and talk into them for the sake of John 3:16.
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