

be a potato
What an epitome to witness. Be a potato! An example that clearly fits in. Verily, fits in! Go beyond your linear thinking and see all the possiblity you have. No jeopardy, I must say! People often get confused in a humorous way. But be a potato, I must say. It might sound mockery to someone but hell, I am serious. Be a potato!
As there is one and only one vegetable that is craved by all. May it be in any form it is dearly loved by all. Not only human beings but animals have special place for a potato in their hearts. A starchy plant, wished to be eaten by all. The curvaceous, brown skinned, yellow inside potato is adorable for every living being including fishes too. Can't you just become one potato! You only have to reshape or I may say just don't shape yourself. Peel or don't peel yourself. Be oval or only sliced. Be a potato! Still wondering or are you coming along with me! Don't panic! I am actually making it straight now. Readers, a kind-hearted person is loved by all. May it be you, me or anyone. Geographically, he may be located anywhere in this world but a language for heart is same everywhere. A small act of kindness can conquer someone's heart may he be a king or beggar, muslim or jewish, rich or poor, human or animal. kindness outplays all. It is deadly victorious over all differences. Its essence creates such aroma that everyone has to surrender. The benevolent gradually suffuse us with peace, love and kindness. It creates the magic of happiness and tranquility. First adept then adapt to others' situation and others will automatically adopt you. It's a wonder of ability anyone can own but mostly prefer to deny.
© msaminafy