

The mumbling of voices the glass wall surrounding me questions swirling inside my head where am I who am I what am I doing here?I try to move but i fell num and trapped inside my own body I try to say somthing but words do come out like Ive been muted. Finnaly someone same in wih a needle as they got closer i relized it was a shoot i didnt want it near me so i thought of a way out i thought i could try breaking the glass if he dropped the needle but i would also need to move.Suddenly i felt somthing pull me towards the glass as soon as the mystery guy droped the needle then the glass just broke nut i didnt think this far ahead i was the girl sitting in the middle of a shattered cage a prison if you willl. Deep down she wanted to fit in but also she knew she needed to leave this horrid place the mysterious needle man was behind her.
...to be countinued