

The Greatest Fire Legend
A LONG TIME AGO, along the basin of the Amazon river in South America, there raged a terrible war between two groups. As soon as one group began to yearn for peace, an evil wizard named Sararuma would whisper something terrible to them about what the other side was planning to do.

"They plan to attack you," Sararuma would snarl. "You must act now, while the land is still dry from the drought. Set a great fire to the enemy's lands. They will never bother you again!" Then he ran to the other side. "I know your enemy plans to set fire to your land. Quickly, you must set fire to their land before they do the same to you!"

Before long all the grasslands of the countryside were ablaze. And soon both sides had completely destroyed the other.

Only one man and woman survived. They had seen the war getting worse and worse....