

A dream within the clouds
As I began to trudge along this path. Often times I would dream of a wonderfull life amongst them all.

Within this universal world. I have walked amongst many. Complaining every step of the way. Yet not admitting of all the beautiful angels and creatures that I have met along the way.

It's easy and simple to focus on the chaos and challenges. For it often enables me to burn off unnecessary energy. Which could have been more productive to release it in another way.

But the beauty of life also remains untold. Wonderful moments that are often spent in the wilderness. Even when it is cold. Yet yielding some mystic memories. That still remains untold.

Being in tune with the universe often becomes confusing. Especially when I have not taken the time to reboot from the energies that I have absorbed.

Cramming is often what I do. So I have taken a few steps to take it a slow. Especially today when my mind was running abroad. However, I did still manage to multitasking. Before took a time out. And ventured outdoors. Just to get a breath of fresh air. And to feel the rain dropping within this chilly night!

Still creating writings and catching up on some random reading. While listening to some new music to me. Cracking a joke here. And finding a joke there. I declare that this is a dream coming from the clouds up there...

Peace out peeps.
© Bazilisk49