

where in life is Timothy j Williams?
Sly Stone said it best " COP out he's crazy!" According to the United States social norms, I am a social misfit and when coupled with classifications of what is considered aberrant mentally, I am probably considered certifiably a misfit too ..Norms are not my forte...I fall short all of the time...Yet, God must value me because he created me- this imperfect flawed being .As I mature, I am becoming more self aware...Self knowledge comes from wisdom; wisdom comes with age & humility...All in All, I realize the importance of personal growth and as we know the saying that Rome wasn't built in a days, I admit that it took a lot of years, 54 to be precise, to shape me into who & what I currently am.. ONE God, one mother and many surrogate fathers, many teachers, many preachers, & many more mentors from all walks of life..I am not a self MADE man..I am a God created man, made in his image & created existentially by choices, chances, social forces, and people, places, & ideas , all of which makes me the sum total of who I am today.
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