

Relationship Between Prophets And Presidents Or Kings
There have always being a close relationship between Prophets and the king's or Presidents of the world since the beginning of time. The success of great kingdoms have always been credited to the role played by true Prophets of God, who were known to guide and to direct the steps of king's in the way of the LORD. Prophets were known to be instructors to the kings. Their core duty was and is to teach these kings or Presidents to rule in a Godly manner. To guide the sheeps or citizens placed under their care towards salvation.
A president is a political leader of a country, the modern day king or queen substitute, who are suppose to walk before God in faithfulness, in righteoueness, and in uprightness of heart towards God in order to develop understanding mind to govern its citizens placed under their care. Presidents are to govern with descending mind of God, knowing the difference between good and evil and not wishing for themselves and close relatives long life and riches or not ruling with their own academic understanding. Governing this way is such a difficult task and that is why Prophets were choosen for God's nations to help assist leaders of such nations to walk in the exact path of the LORD ALMIGHTY.
A true Prophet is a man of God who speak the mind of God to the people or children of God. A true Prophet grows in statute and in favour with the LORD and with men ( 1 Samuel 2:26). A faithful Prophet does or carryout his duties according to God's heart and mind, God build His house and such Prophets can go in and out before God's anointed for ever. These men of God never go wrong with their revelations, they don't take sides with their prophecies and are diligent with their prophecies. It is a Prophet's duty to restrain from endorsing men of God who bear behaviours that are not in line with the truth. Prophets are not to look on for anybody to blasphemy God for their own safety. Eli, tried that and the Bible said, there was no amount of sacrifice or offering offered that was able to save both the offender and the prophet who look on and did nothing ( 1 Samuel 3: 13-14).
Prophets are mediums God uses to speak to king's or Presidents on which way God desires them to rule. Prophets are suppose to be God's representative on Earth to judge, guide or straighten the ways of Presidents, kings, queens and people in high authority. They are to constructively tell people in authority about their short- comings anytime they act against the will of God.
Not everyman who claims to be a prophet can be given that recognition or hearing. A lot of these self acclaimed prophet have caused humanity a lot of harm than good. For a true prophet to fully accomplish their duties, they must;
1. be true men of God. Men who ways of life is in line with God's standards and principles
2. mediums God uses to reveal mysteries of God's kingdom and of our lives.
3. be men of honour. Men whose sayings brings the vision of God to light anytime they are heard.
Prophets are seers who make known to humankind what God have revealed to them without twisting the revelation to favour others. Prophets are very important to the development of a nation but they are also easily rejected when they disobey God and do as they please.
The blue print that were left behind by majority of the true Prophet of old is the reasons why a lot of people and not just Christian give listening ears to the modern day prophets. If its was so easy for a man of God to ask a woman to use everything she had to prepare him food for a blessing in her life and the entire family and she did. Similar thing can be difficult to attain because there too many dishonest Prophets living amongst us. The world today, has seen Prophets who speaks their minds rather than those who speak the mind of God.
There is no longer truth anywhere, most of our Prophets today have become a symbol of decit, they exist by name but are not accountable to God but to the dark world. Even though there are few prophets who have kept their office in a respectable manner, much to the delight of their heavenly father, same can not be said about majority of modern day prophets. The office of the prophet is now filled with confident tricksters, game players, mind rubbers, who uses all ungodly mediums to create confusion, troubles and disturb the soul of men just to enrich themselves.
The Bible indicates in ( 1 Samuel 8: 1-5) Many of these prophets have left the word of God for fake prophecies to enrich themselves and to please lazy Christians, who do not want to be doers of the word of God. " when Samuel was old, he made his sons judgs of over Israel. 2 The name of his first son was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. 3 Yet his sons did not walk in His way, but turned aside after gain; they took bribes and perverted justice." Majority of the Prophets we have today are doing exactly what Samuel's children were involved in, when ever they are giving hearing by earthly men. We have too many gain seeking prophets amongst us than any generation gone by, the core duty of a true Prophets had completely been missed.
Ghana is one of the countries blessed with a religious body such as the Christian council who serve as a spiritual advicer to the president, to guide and regulate the activities of the Christian faithful. Out of this noble council members comes the office of the prophet, whose major role is to speak truth to power according to the standard of God and Godly wisdom. But because of their stomach, some have led citizens in sensitive position to disregard the needs of the people for their own selfish interest. No one seems to be keeping anyone on their toes, allowing things to get out of hand.
It is very difficult to produce concrete evidence against most corrupt modern day leaders, they always have devious ways of protecting their currupt acts but whenever there is a true prophet, what is hidden from the ordinary man will be revealed through the prophet by God. What David did in his era as King was hidden in the sight of citizens but was revealed by God through Nathan the prophet, who cleverly exposed David's sinful act ( 2 Samuel 12: 1-7). Almost every man of God is a prophet in Ghana and non of their prophecies had talked about the corrupt acts that goes on before our very eyes that is impeding the progress of our beautiful country.
What is so worrying is the role children of God play in aiding these corrupt leaders to carry out their corrupt activities. Children of God who should no better are the very people who are paying huge sums of money to undercovered higher authority people before they are recruited into our public sector institutions. Such people, start their work with the mindset of gaining back the money they payed to settle their debts. This becomes the new way of life for victims who suffer this feet, a breeding grounds for the next generation and a dangerous trends for a developing country.
The time has come for the total reformation of mind to be in one accord to that of God. If the Prophets today claim they of God, then they must at all times speak truth to power by first of working on themselves. An improvement on the life of citizens lies in the good works of the prophets and leadership.
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