

please come back .
Dev had loved Sonal since childhood. They had gone to the same school since they were young, and Dev had always taken care of her even when her parents ignored her. Sonal was both blind and deaf, but Dev never hesitated to help her whenever she needed it. He was her ears and eyes, telling her his feelings even though she couldn't hear him.

One day, someone wrote a note in Braille and left it for Sonal to find. Dev was unaware of it until after a few days when Sonal took her own life. Dev was devastated and was broken beyond repair.

Dev's mother gave him a letter that she found under Sonal's bed. It was written in the same handwriting as the Braille note, and it said: 'You're a nuisance to Dev. How much trouble are you going to cause him? You're a blind, deaf shit, just die and let Dev be free. He's like a caged bird in your heart and you can't even love him. Just die and set him free.'

At the back of the letter, Sonal had left a note of her own. It read: 'I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I never realized how much of a burden I was becoming day by day. Even my parents didn't like me, but you did and I am always grateful for that. I love you so much, that's why I'm setting you free. Please be happy, don't make my death go in vain. Okay? I'm always watching you. Goodbye Dev.'

Dev was filled with sorrow and regret. He wished he had been able to save her from making the ultimate sacrifice, but he knew that she wanted him to be happy and to move on with his life. He eventually found the strength to do so, and he fulfilled Sonal's last wish by living a happy life.
© Three