

The Northern Girls Dream (Chapter One)
Her huge and bright eyes fell on him. It's like her eyes were searching for where to rest. She had never seen him before, it was the first time. She was mesmerized, he didn't have a broad shoulder nor a dark full beard but he looked interesting and that was a mystery.
It was the first day of school and this was the time for the new comers; Laura thought. "I wonder what class he is!".
The bell rang and it was chaotic in the hall way, it was time for the general assembly, Mrs Ummi didn't like to play.
Suddenly, Laura found herself so far behind, she was the last to enter into the assembly hall. "Don't waste our time weakling" Mr Adam shouted. Laura hurriedly walked to her line eventhough she could feel all the eyes gazing at her.
(Rewind) Let's go back, let me introduce Laura to you. Laura is your typical shy girl, she is in SS3. All that matters to her right now is her finals, did I mention she is a brain box? Yes she is! There is almost nothing she doesn't know. Laura never really fit in, people made fun of her for one reason or the other. She is beautiful, tall and dark with huge eyes. You know the dimples people would die for, she has those too. Just from staring, her cheeks would make deep holes on both sides. Maybe people hate perfect because that is Laura but she still didn't fit in. Her mum is your typical Hausa woman, her husband died in the fight against insurgency in Maiduguri. She has been alone since then, Maman Laura works hard to care for her children; Ammar, Khalil and Laura. She still runs the store her husband got her a few years before hhe died. She had pestered him throughout his holiday that year, she told him all the dreams she had and how she would turn a little store to a mall some day. He loved his wife and did all he could to please her, so he got one for her. It wasn't huge, I mean! They weren't rich but he managed to give them all they needed and even more.
Her brother Ammar is a pilot, Ammar is like his father in everyway. Khalid is an engineer, he got a job with AILES electricity immediately after college, they loved his project designs.
Okay! Let's go back to school. As Laura stepped into the line, she felt a pinch on her back, if it wasn't anyone but the trouble maker, Doyin. Doyin was a bully, even the teachers felt bullied by him.
As Mrs Ummi spoke, the whole school went silent, she was a fierce woman. Only those really close to her knew her smile and the warmth she carried from within. "I would love to introduce Mr Ebuka to you all, he is the new mathematics teacher for the SS3 students" said Mrs Ummi. Laura was shocked, it was the same man (boy) she had seen at the entrance that morning. So he is a teacher, "wow!" Laura thought; "he looks so young". The students clapped and Mr Ebuka introduced himself. He had this warm smile and looked eager to experience life in the school.
Soon, the students all matched into their classes.
The first thing they did every morning was to say a short prayer before the first lesson, it was tradition. It was a quiet day in school that Monday morning.